I am no authority on music. Quite the opposite. I'm not sure if I'm even qualified to be writing about music (even in blog form). I don't got much of a grasp on what music sounds like, so don't expect lengthy descriptions about song structure or anything of value.
I got an affinity for anything pop, synthy, drum machined out, hand clapp'd, and female vocals. Just in case you ever start noticing a pattern with the songs I post. And chances are you probably heard these songs before, and as you read my posts to come, you'll probably snicker at how behind the times I am. I bet you.
Anyway, on with the songs you probably already heard.
Every time I think of Ladyhawke, I think of that Snoopy shirt she was wearing in her video for 'Paris is Burning'. To wit:

I also can't shake the feeling that the opening notes to 'Back of the Van' sound exactly like the opening notes to Van Halen's 'Dreams' - as featured in the first Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers movie. Compare and Contrast. It's probably just me. Forget I said anything.
Anyway, I found this remix via Tiff Chow and its a remix of my favorite Ladyhawke song, 'Back of the Van'.
Ladyhawke - Back Of The Van (Fred Falke Ultimate Beverly Mix)
Lastly, Juiceboxx is an emcee out of Wisconsin, and he reminds me of Marky Mark era Marky Mark and the Funkybunch. Maybe we'll get to help make his video someday (fast forward to 0:18). The following song is a song about sweat.
Juiceboxxx & Dre Skull - Sweat
Thank you for putting up with me.
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